William Burslem MP (1662 - 1716)

 Name: William Burslem MP 1 Sex: M

Individual Information

          Birth: Bef 14 Oct 1662 - Newcastle - under - Lyme, Staffs 2
        Baptism: 14 Oct 1662 - St. Giles Church, Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffs 3
          Death: 17 Apr 1716 - Newcastle - under - Lyme, Staffs
 Cause of Death: 


1. He received a bequest of the residue of his grandfather Thomas's estate in 1670. 4

2. He worked as a Gentleman Attorney From 1682. 5

3. He ran for office as Mayor, and was elected, on 10 Sep 1690 in Newcastle - under - Lyme, Staffs. 6

4. Appointment : Justice of the Peace, 1695, Newcastle - under - Lyme, Staffs. 7

He also served in this role for the years 1697-98,1702,1704,1714

5. He ran for office as Mayor, and was elected, for the second time in 1696 in Newcastle - under - Lyme, Staffs. 7

6. He signed a will in 1698 in Newcastle - under - Lyme, Staffs. 8


In the name of God Amen. William Burslem of Newcastle under Lyme in the County of Stafford, Gent doe make my last will and testament in manner following First I commend my soul to Almighty God hoping through the merits of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to receive remission of my sins and inherit eternal life And my (body) I commit to the grave to be buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and my worldly Estate dispose as followeth Impris I give and devise all my Estate both real and personal to my Executors hereafter named and their heirs and assigns in Trust in the first place for payment of my debts and for the maintenance and education of my children and also for the payment of Two hundred and fifty pounds to my daughter and two hundred pounds a piece to my younger sons to be paid at the ages of one and twenty or days of marriage whichever shall first happen And the rest of my estate to be for the benefit of my eldest sonn his heirs and asignes And to enable my Executors to perform in the same my will is that they have power to sell or mortgage my estate as they shall think fitt Lastly I do revoke all former wills and do appoint Daniel Watson and Isiah Hawkins both of Burton upon Trent in the County of Stafford aforesaid Esqrs. my Executors and do appoint to be buried privately as they shall think fitt. In testimony wherof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this five and twentyith day of January An(n)o dom(ini) 1698.Will. Burslem signed and sealed in the presence of Ann Woods Wm. Hernhaugh(?) Ralph Woods

( Provincial Court of Canterbury in the FRC)

7. Appointment : Receiver General for Staffordshire, 1700. 5

8. He was elected to office in 1700. 9 Alderman

9. He was elected as a Member of Parliament 1710 to 1713. 5

10. He was elected a Member of Parliament 1713 to 1715. 10

11. He owned property abt 1716 - abt 1732. 11 Two coal mines in Hanley and Shelton were leased by the Duchy of Lancaster to William Burslem of Newcastle from 1716(1718). In 1732 Lord Gower was granted the reversion of Burslem's lease due to expire in 1743 or 1744.



         Father: James Burslem (Abt 1627-Bef 1675) 
         Mother: Rebecka Warnor ( -1675) 

Spouses and Children

1. Dorothea Watson (Abt 1661 - Bef 8 Jan 1698) 2, 12
       Marriage: 28 Jul 1681 - Abbotts Bromley, Staffs
                1. Rebeccah Burslem (1681-Bef 1684)
                2. Mary Burslem (Bef 1683-Bef 1685) 13
                3. Rebeccah Burslem (Bef 1684-1693)
                4. Thomas Burslem (1686-Bef 1734) 14
                5. Dorothy Burslem (1688- ) 13
                6. Reverend Daniel Burslem (1690-1780) 15
                7. William Burslem (1692-Bef 1698) 2
                8. Edward Burslem (Bef 1693- ) 16
                9. James Burslem (Bef 1695-1765) 16
                10. John Burslem (1697-Abt 1745) 17
                11. Ralph Burslem (1697/1698-Bef 1699)






1. Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 76. Surety: 3. .... Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 80. Surety: 3.

2. Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 80. Surety: 3.

3. Parish Registers (Extracts - Published by the Staffordshire Parish Register Society, 1931 Parts 1 and 2.), Page 1. Surety: 3.

4. Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 76. Surety: 3.

5. David Hayton, The House of Commons 1690-1715, Page 419. Surety: 3.

6. Neil Collingwood (August 1999, Staffordshire.), Bridgett R.W dissertation 1982. Surety: 2.

7. Neil Collingwood (August 1999, Staffordshire.), Bridgett R.W dissertation 1982. Surety: 3.

8. Wills and Admonitions, Will of William Burslem 1698. Surety: 3.

9. Neil Collingwood (August 1999, Staffordshire.), Surety: 4.

10. David Hayton, The House of Commons 1690-1715, Page 420. Surety: 3.

11. Victoria County History of Stafford, VCH Vol.viii). Surety: 3.

12. Collections for a History of Staffordshire, (Edited by the William Salt Archaeological Society, now the Staffordshire Historical Society.), Part 11, Volume 5, pages 299-300. The Heraldic Visitations of Staffordhire 1614 and 1663-64. Surety: 3. .... Collections for a History of Staffordshire, (Edited by the William Salt Archaeological Society, now the Staffordshire Historical Society.), Part 11, Volume 5, pages 299-300. The Heraldic Visitations of Staffordhire 1614 and 1663-64. Surety: 4.

13. Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 82. Surety: 3.

14. Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 79. Surety: 1.

15. Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 82. Surety: 4.

16. Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 81. Surety: 3.

17. London Apprenticeship Abstracts 1442 -1850, Search. Surety: 3. .... Percy Walter Lewis Adams, A History of the Adams Family of North Staffordshire (London, England, St.Catherine's Press, 1914), Page 81. Surety: 3.