Godolphin Finnie Burslem (1855 - after 1910)
Name: Godolphin Finney Burslem 1
Sex: M
AKA:Godolphin Burslem
Colonel Godolphin Osborne Burslem
Hon. Captain Godolphin Osborne Burslem
Captain John Godolphin Burslem
Captain Sydney Godolphin Osborne
Individual Information
Birth: Abt Jun 1855 - Portsea, Hampshire 2
Baptism: 3 Jul 1855 - St. Thomas', Portsmouth, Hampshire 3
Death: After 1910
Cause of Death:
1. He was educated at a Private School at 24 Rectory Grove in 1871 in Clapham, London. 4
2. Rank/Regiment: In 5 May 1871 he was appointed an Enlisted as a Driver, Royal Artillery 5 He gave his age as 16 though he was still 15 years old.
The following evidence was given at his trial in 1885 regarding his military service.
" JOHN CHRISTIAN . I am a warrant officer, of the Royal Artillery, employed in the Artillery branch of the War Office. I know the prisoner Burslem as Godolphin Burslem when he was about 16 he was a driver in the Royal Artillery; that was in 1871 and 1872. I was transferred from the brigade, and lost sight of him for some years.I saw him again during the South African campaign in 1883; he was then at the War Office inquiring for his medal, he had then been discharged as a gunner. He was not a captain in the Royal Artillery or any other force so far as I know. His pension is 1s. a day.
Cross-examined by MR. BAYLIS. He lost one of his legs in South Africa. I do not know that he was a captain in the Egyptian Gendarmerie or in the Cape Volunteers. He has already lost his pension.
Re-examined. I do not know how he lost it, he is not a non-commissioned officer. He was discharged as a gunner on account of his wounded leg.
WILLIAM CAMPBELL ANNESLEY . I am senior clerk in the Pension Department, War Office. A pension was granted to the prisoner when he was discharged in 1880; it was paid up to March, 1885. It is stopped now. It was always paid in this country except on April 3rd, 188. He lost a leg before his discharge. I know one Sidney Godolphin Osborne, the secretary of the Army Purchase, that is not the prisoner. Commissions were not given to non-commissioned officers in South Africa serving under Lord Chelmsford."
3. Rank/Regiment: In 1873 he was appointed a Gunner, Royal Artillery 6 His regimental numbee was 2212.
4. He served in the Royal Artillery in South Africa about 1874 in Cape Town, South Africa 7 On Feb 1 1874 he deserted from his regiment but rejoined on Feb 3 1874 when he was arrested. On Feb 22 he was tried and imprisoned. He was released Aug 8 1874.
5. Campaigns: In action in the Kaffir Wars, 1877-1878, in South Africa. 7
6. Campaigns: In action in the Zulu Wars, 1879, Battle of Kambula Hill. 7 In this battle he was severely injured on April 21 1874 "by the upsetting of a gun carriage while on duty in the field before the enemy". His left leg was amputated.
7. He was described physically in 1879. 7 as being 5 feet 11 inches tall, with grey eyes, light brown hair and of fresh complexion. He is also described as having his left leg amputated and with 3 scars from bullet wounds on his right leg.
8. On 3 Apr 1881 he lived at 34 Woodstock Road, in Bedford Park, London 8 He identifies himself as John G. Burslem, giving his age as 26 with the occupation noted as Retired Captain, Light Horse and his place of birth as Calcutta. There is a note on the Census return "Lost a leg at Isandular" . This was a famous battle of the Zulu War in 1879.
9. About Jun 1881 he lived at 7 Castletown Road West, in Kensington, London 9
10. He travelled on the SS Belgenland from New York arriving July 9th, 1881 10
11. The Milwaukee Daily Sentinel ran the following story on August 29, 1881
Racy details of the Caning of "Capt." Burslem by Pretty Miss Scoofy _______________
The Assailant Threatened with Immediate Extermination by the Humbled Knight's Affianced. _______________
How the Scamp Became the Protégé of a Very Wealthy and Fashionable Lady _______________
Society Astounded at the Diabolical Way the "Captain" Took to Scratch his Back. _______________
(Special Despatch to The Sunday Sentinel) New York, Aug 27. It is understood that Miss Scoofy, the young woman who caned Capt. Burslem has left the city. The Mail says: "The following facts in regard to the caning of a fellow calling himself Capt. Burslem by a lady at Cranston's Hotel, West Point, are given by two ladies well known in New York society, who were eyewitnesses of the affair, and who have watched with interest the proceedings of the imposter since his arrival at West Point. The "Captain" appeared at West Point about July19. After being there a few days he desired and introduction to Miss Schoofy which she very properly refused. Several days afterward he went to the Military Academy and asked Gen Howard to introduce him to the same lady. She had heard of his VULGAR REMARKS Concerning other ladies in the house, and firmly refused to make his acquaintance. Burslem's record , it is claimed, since he entered the house had been bad, and he had been most unpopular among the guests. He, it is alleged, grossly insulted Mrs. Phillips, wife of Dr. Phillips, of this city, and had acted in an unbecoming manner towards most of the servants in the house, according to the proprietor, who says he is the only man he ever had in his house whom he could not recognize. (1) He also insulted a young Jewish lady, who was stopping at the house, Miss Bloomschal. He actually sent a bell boy to her requesting her to come into his room and tie his cravat. He also met a Miss Hendricks in the hall and requested her to perform the same office for him. Several other ladies complain of being annoyed by him. In addition to this , it is stated that the "Capatain" was disgusting in his personal habits. He made INSULTING PERSONAL REMARKS At the table and ate his food in an entirely original manner, on one occasion indulging a mixture of soup and champagne with evident relish. Another time when a lady entered the dining room, he remarked audibly, " Look at that Zulu with the succotash eyes." Miss Scoofy and her mother refused to recognize him, although he was endorsed by and under the powerful protection of a Wealthy New York lady, who had faith in his aristocracy. Finally some of the ladies refused to sit with him. The lady referred to above, however, escorted her protégé into the dining room on her arm and seated him at the table at her side. On this occasion , he remarked to a young lady opposite him, that it was hot, and that he wanted her to get him some cream of tartar, and SCRATCHED HIS BACK against the back of the chair. On Saturday evening last, Miss Scoofy was assisting in getting up a German (2). Miss Dickinson of New York was invited to assist also. Another lady volunteered to distribute the favors when the "Captain" said of her: " Miss Blank is too modest to assist in a thing of that kind. She would not make her self so conspicuous. Ladies in England never do it." Nothing more was heard of the matter until the evening of the German, when the Captain put himself in a prominent position, expecting to be decorated with favors. Finally one of the lady friends was asked for a favor for him, which was refused. This made the "Captain" indignant. He asked what he had said to Mrs. Dickinson, and on being told denied it. He was then taxed with falsehood. An apology or at least an explanation was demanded for CALLING MISS SCOOFY A LIAR as she claimed.This he refused to do. It is positively stated that he did so and also added the offensive epithet referred t0. she was standing on the evening in question talking with a gentleman whose light cbamboo cane she held in her hand. The sight of the "Captain" seemed to infuriate her and she rushed toward him and struck him several times, breaking the cane. He made no resistance but his affianced, Miss Barclay, ran forward and through herself upon Miss Scoofy, crying out: "If you strike him again I"LL KILL YOU" Miss Scoofy is highly spoken of as an accomplished and refined lady, and the greatest wonder is expressed at her action. She is well known in New York societyand was educated here at one of the most fashionable institutions. The Captain has left for Newport to seek other fashionable acquaintances. It is said that the British Consuls pronounced him a fraud. The fact of his wearing his uniform while on the retired list is brought forward as disproving his claim to the British office.
(Special Despatch to The Sunday Sentinel) New York, Aug 27. The young lady who so unwillingly obtained considerable notoriety by very properly resenting an affront at West Point on the part of a British officer, is stopping at the New York Hotel, this city. She naturally regrets the occurrence, and especially the publicity that has been given to it. She is a young lady of fine education and very engaging manners. During her sojourn at West Point, she became a favorite among the best circles of society, and naturally the so-called English army officer desired an introduction, which was refused until Gen. Howard presented the man. Even then he was hardly recognized(1), and by one or two ladies WAS OPENLY SNUBBED. These ladies had male supporters, and he finally, in a cowardly manner vented his spleen on the young lady from California, as she had no male protector. She very properly resented the insult imposedupon her and has since been warmly commended for her course by the best families at West Point. It has since been learned that the valiant Captain has been wearing medals belonging to his deceased brother, and that the English consul in this city says there is no record of any such officer in the English service. He called on the consul and asked him to vouch for him. The application was refused. Nearly all club men called at THE ENGLISH CONSULATE to learn the standing of the Captain, but could learn anything satisfactory. It is understood the Captain expected to become a society lion during the coming winter. The recent exposure of his claims will probably put an end to all such aspirations. The young lady from San Francisco was warmly congratulated on her course by the British consul. He said that if all other American ladies would treat pretenders in the same way they would soon rid society of many imposters who now are disgracing the English nation. The lady referred to will return to West Point with her mother on Monday, while the valiant captain will betake himself to quarters where he is not so well known.
Editor's Notes: (1) to acknowledge acquaintance with, as by a greeting, handshake, etc. (2)A round dance, often with a waltz movement, abounding in capriciously involved figures. (b) A social party at which the german is danced. _____________________________________________________________
On September 1, 1881 the Daily Independent, Helena followed with this story that includes a few differing details: Served Him Right
A Young Lady is insulted by a British Soldier and Slaps his Face in Return
"A somewhat sensational episode is reported to have happened at Cranston's Hotel, West Point, last night. The story is that a young man calling himself Captain Burslem, and representing himself as an officer in the British Army, arrived at the hotel about three weeks ago, and registered as from Windsor Castle, England. He had brought a letter of introduction from Grace Greenwood to President Garfield and made many friends in New York among Wall Street brokers, by whom he had been introduced at the Union Club. At the hotel he met a Miss Scofie, of San Francisco, daughter of a mine owner who was sojourning at West Point with her mother. A few mornings since, Burslem, it is stated, in conversation with Miss Scofie, informed the young lady point blank that she lied, she at once laid the case before the manager of the house, with the statement that a person possessing such characteristics should not be tolerated by the guests. Burslem, however, was too intimate with the hotel proprietors and too firmly supported by the male guests to permit his being turned away.
Last evening Miss Scofie went with her mother to a cadet hop, and as they were ascending the steps leading to the veranda, the young lady met Burslem who was leaning against a post, smoking. As she attempted to pass he blew a cloud of smoke in her face and quickly followed it up with another, at the same time smiling at her discomfiture. Miss Scofie appealed to bystanders for protection, but none being offered struck the alleged Captain in the face, knocking his cigar from his mouth. She followed this up with a second blow with her fist. Burslem raised his hand, containg a cane, to ward off the blows, when she caught the stick, wrenched it from his grasp, and, boiling with rage, struck him several times squarely in the face, cutting him badly. The Captain, who has a false leg, was thrown to the piazza in the melee. Later in the evening, Mrs and miss Scofie were requested to leave the hotel, which they did, coming direct to New York. They are now at the New York Hotel.
Burslem claims to have served in the Zulu War, and to have been with the Prince Imperial when he died. He says that he is a Captain in the English Army, and is 33 years old. The English Army register shows only one officer of that name who was commissioned in 1850 and who is retired and who lives in India. Burslem, it is said, has engaged himself to a handsome and rich girl at West Point."
The Butte Daily Miner 3 September 1881 and other papers also picked up on the story
A further report of the affair, this time from an Atlanta newspaper quoting the Chicago Tribune:
West Point Episode
An Insulting Briton Caned by a Yankee Girl
A West Point special to the Chicago Tribune says: There came a young man of thirty-three years to the Point about three weeks ago, and yet not handsome, had a sort of military dash about his bearing, and brought with him a cork leg. He wore at times a jaunty cap, on which were letters interpreted by himself as the initials of the regiment he belonged to in the British Army and talked of his deeds of valour, his battles fought and won, his privations and his triumphs with the air of a veteran of a score of campaigns. He had been everywhere and seen everything, knew everybody, and was, according to his own tale, a man of the world and a son of a distinguished English family. He came to Cranston's hotel one day and wrote his name in a bold hand on the register, Captain James. G. Burslem. He was not unknown, for he had stopped in this city some little time, been introduced at the Union club, been given a visiting card, and made himself solid with a good number of the boys among whom were quite a number of Wall-street brokers who came to look on Burslem as a scion of an aristocratic family and an individual of more than ordinary claim upon their consideration. He had brought to this country a letter of introduction from Grace Greenwood (see note0 to President Garfield and this alone gave him a footing at the club and at the homes of the Wall-street boys that was particularly satisfying to the captain. The stories he told about his military career were interesting. He had, as a captain in the British army, served in Zululand, and had been a companion of the prince imperial, who, he said in fact, had died in his arms. He had come to America for a short vacation and would return to his English home soon.
At Cranston's hotel in West Point, among the visitors were Mrs. And Miss Scott, the wife and daughter of the San Francisco mine owner. They were enjoying the life at the Point, and the young lady, who is handsome of of solid build, was a frequent attendant at the hops for which the military post is famed. Captain Burslem by some means made the acquaintance of Miss Scotie, but it did not turn out as well, perhaps, as the captain had desired. It appears that a few evenings since Miss Scotie and the captain engaged in conversation, during which the latter very rudely informed the young lady that she was a liar, or words to that effect. She thereupon complained to the hotel proprietor, but the entire establishment was so firmly attached to the captain that she was given to understand that complaints of that kind were no avail here. The girl's blood was up however.
Last night there was a hop at headquarters, and Miss Scotie and her mother attended. The daughter was elaborately attired in full evening dress, and as she was ascending the steps of the verandah, who should she meet but the captain himself. The story goes that he very rudely stared at her and accompanied the same with a cloud of cigar smoke, puffing it into the young lady's face, which was quickly followed by another, whereupon she called out " Is there no-one here to protect me from this fellow?" No one of Burslem's friends coming to her aid, and Miss Scotie receiving another volume of smoke, she at once stepped up to the captain and hit him squarely between the eyes. The blow staggered him . he raised a cane to defend himself when the young lady greatly infuriated beyond all bounds of control, tore the stick from his hands and rained blows upon his head so fast that he was felled to the floor. His face was badly cut and bled profusely. The plucky girl then turned and went to her room with her mother. Shortly after the two were instructed to leave the hotel, the captain's influence with the management standing hand in hand, not one of whom, it seems, had the manhood to stand up for the brave girl who had thus defended herself against the man's insults.
Editor's Note Sara Jane Lippincott (1823- 1904) was a well known American newspaper columnist , better known by the pseudonym Grace Greenwood. _____________________________________________________________
A few papers followed up on the story. The Butte Daily Miner ran: "Captain" Burslem_
"The self-styled Captain Burslem, whose ungentlemanly conduct towards Miss soufie, the California girl, incited that young lady to administer a deserved reprimand to the cowardly rough, is having his pretensions and antecedents looked into. From the San Francisco Chronicle we learn that enquiries at the British Consul's office and an investigation of the army register fail to trace Captain James G. Burslem. The Captain dresses in a black "roundabout" or jacket, black pantaloons with a red stripe, and yachting cap bearing on the front the letters "F.L.H" which, he says, means "Flying Light Hussars." He registers as Captain James G. Burslem, Windsor Castle, London, England, and claims to assigned to the Guard of the Queen.
The Vice-Consul declined to speak of the Captain when interrogated, and the army register shows only a major Rollo Burslem of the 43rd foot, who was commissioned in 1850 and who is now retired.
It is said by members of the union club that the captain was accorded a few days visitor's ticket to that club and he used it for a month without any objections. Several stories are told of him, but they appear to be hearsay and cannot be traced to any authentic source. He is said to be engaged to a young lady at west Point, whom he met a week or so ago, and when he fell under the blows of the young lady whom he insulted, his alleged fiancé called upon an officer standing by to come to rescue the Captain and arrest his assailant. The officer declined to interfere without a warrant.
Not so long ago a gentleman who had travelled in Europe asked Captain Burslem what part of Germany he was born in. Captain Burslem replied that he was born in Darmstadtt, of English parentage, and he said that he always called himself an Englishman. Several gentlemen who have been intimate with the Captain are examining into his record with a view to settling some rumors, and the young lady who knocked him down is preparing to return to California with her mother." _____________________________________________________________
Finally, in a letter to the New York Herald, Godolphin Finney Burslem writes to the editor:
West Point Sensation
To the Editor of the New York Herald
UNIVERSITY CLUB, 5th AVENUE - On arriving at Cozzen's Hotel I registered as Captain John Godolphin Burslem, Windsor Castle, England and if any one doubts my being what I represent myself to be I beg them to the British Consul at New York. I did not use the ungentlemanly language attributed to me, and I did not misbehave myself as a gentleman in any way. I was indiscreet in wearing my uniform, but I was asked to wear it by a friend. I did not wear the uniform of a British officer, but I wore the uniform of a volunteer officer as I wore it in South Africa, where I served during the Kaffir and Zulu Wars and where I was unfortunately very seriously wounded. I was with the Prince Imperial, and he carried me into the hospital when I was wounded. I have also received a reward, as a late army list shows, for distinguished and meritorious conduct. I never said anything to any lady in the hotel about what ladies said or did in England or anything to give any lady offence, and I do not hear of any lady saying I was rude to her. I am sure that every one at Cranston's Hotel can say they never heard me use any ungentlemanly language, and several ladies and gentlemen were present when I addressed the young lady. I have adopted America as my home for a future period and I hope the public will accept this as an explanation of what has taken place.
John Godolphin Burslem Late Captain F.L.H.
Editor's Comments. John Godolphin Burslem was his half brother who had emigrated to New Zealand in 1864. He had served as a Private in the 1st Waikato Regiment in the Maori Wars and he remained in New Zealand until 1885 when he left, eventually ending up in South Africa. 11
12. He travelled on the SS Indiana, from Liverpool from Philadelphia on 4 Nov 1881 12 He must have returned to England shortly after the incidents of August.
Arrives Philadelphia from England on SS Indiana, accompanied by Mrs Burslem. According to the defence affidavits filed in the divorce procedings from Ellen Glassen he was accompanied by Elly Gray who passed as his wife.
13. He was involved in a court case in 1882. 1 Together with his father he was accused of fraud on Charles Luker of Oxford. He was not prosecuted because of the death of his father in December 1882
14. He travelled to Egypt in 1883. 1 His intention was to join the Gendarmerie of Baker Pasha but he was not accepted and returned home leaving his hotel bill at Shepherds Hotel unpaid. On his way back he filed a revised affidavit regarding his divorce from Ellen Burslem (nee Glassen). The affidavit is now in the name of Godolphin Osborne Burslem of Shepherds Hotel, Cairo, Gentleman and states that Ellen Burslem is now living a life of prostitution.
15. Newspaper Report: from the Times of London, 1885. 13 It was reported:
"At the MANSION-HOUSE yesterday, Mr. WILLIAM CRUIKSHANK, a merchant, attended before the Lord Mayor to answer a summons charging him with committing wilful and corrupt perjury. Mr Montague Williams prosecuted; Mr Rose-Innes defended. Mr Williams, in opening the case, said that the perjury charged was alleged to have been committed in an interlocutory affidavit arising out of an action. Although the affidavit had nothing to do with the action itself, it was necessary to say that the action was brought between the prosecutor, Mr Solomon, and the defendant, and was brought to to recover the sum £1,000 on a cheque drawn by a person named Godolphin Osborne Burslem in favour of Mr. Cruikshank. The cheque was passed over to a third party, and it was upon that cheque that the action was brought…………………………….."
16. In early 1885 he lived at 10 Great Vine street, Regent Street and the Langham Hotel, Portland place, both in in Middlesex. 14
17. From Apr to May 1885 he was involved in a court case for fraud in the London Police Court in London, England. 15 It was reported that:
"GODOLPHIN BURSLEM, alias "the HON. CAPTAIN SYDNEY GODOLPHIN OSBORNE, was charged on remand with obtaining goods from Mr. Parker a saddler, St Martin's Lane, by false pretences. Mr Chilcott prosecuted; Mr S.B. Abrahams defended. Evidence was given to show that the prisoner, in the name of Sydney Godolphin Osborne, had ordered goods to upwards of £45 in value, and represented that his country residence was Osborne Hall, Burgess Hill, Sussex. The prosecutor, believing the representations made by the prisoner, delivered the goods at Eton Mews, Swiss Cottage, as requested. Failing to obtain payment for them, he made inquiries, and it was found that the prisoner's name was Burslem and that he was a discharged gunner from the Royal Artillery. It was alleged that he had been engaged in an extensive system of fraud, and a further demand was granted for injuries (inquiries) to be made." Transcribed from the Times of London - April 27 1885
"At Bow-Street on Saturday, GODOLPHIN OSBORNE BURSLEM was charged on remand with obtaining goods and money by false pretences. In the first case it appeared that the prisoner, who had been a private in the Royal Artillery, went to a saddler and harness maker in Long-acre and obtained goods to the value of about £45 on the statement that he was the Hon. Captain Godolphin Osborne, of Burgess-hill, Sussex. In the second case it appeared that in 1882 the prisoner called on Thomas Burslem, an old man living at Esher, Surrey and stated that he was Captain Burslem of the Royal Artillery, and a relation of the prosecutor. The prosecutor, who had two sons in the army, became friendly with him and trusting his statements to be true intrusted him with a dividend warrant on the Imperial Gas Company to get cashed for him. The prisoner got this warrant cashed through a solicitor in Chancery-lane, but never forwarded the money to the prosecutor. The prisoner was committed for trial on both these charges, but a remand was granted, it being understood that other charges would be brought against him."
Transcribed from the Times of London - May 11, 1885
18. From Apr to May 1885 he was involved in a court case for bankruptcy in the High Court of Justice, Bankruptcy Division. 16
His first meeting for examination was set for April 29, 1885 at noon and the appointment of Trustees is shown as May 6 1885. In view of the criminal proceedings taking place simultaneously it is doubtful whether the application for bankruptcy was ever finalized. No record of dividends being paid or discharge has yet been found.
19. In Jun 1885 he was involved in a court case for obtaining money by false pretences in London, England. 17
The Times of London reported:
"Godolphin Osborne Burslem was charged on remand with obtaining money by false pretences. Mr. Angus Lewis presented on behalf of the Treasury. The prisoner had already been committed for trial on two charges, and the charge now proceeded with was one of obtaining £1,500 worth of jewellery from Mr. Keymer, of Brook-street, Hanover-square. The prisoner called on Mr. Keymer and told him that he was Captain Burslem of the Royal Artillery, in which regiment it appears he had been a private. He represented that he had considerable property at Esher, Surrey, and that he was about to get married. He, at different times, selected articles of jewellery, which he paid for mostly in bills which, on becoming due, were dishonoured. Mr. Flowers committed the prisoner for trial on this charge also. Mr.Lewis then proceeded with a fourth charge against the prisoner. In this he, as alleged, obtained £500 to complete the purchase of a house he said he had bought at Burgess-hill, Sussex. The case was not completed, and the prisoner was again remanded."
The June 7 issue of the Observer reported in greater detail:
At Bow-street, yesterday, before Mr. Flowers, the man who gave his name as Godolphin Osborne was charged on remand with obtaining goods by false pretences.
Mr. Angus Lewis appeared on behalf of the Treasury to prosecute.
The prisoner had already been committed for trial on two charges - one for obtaining a large amount of harness and other things from a saddler named Parker in St. Martin's-lane by false representations; and the second for obtaining a dividend warrant for £66 from a Mr. Burslem, of Esher, Surrey. The third charge now brought against the prisoner was for having through false representations induced a Mr. Keymer, a jeweller, to supply him with jewellery, the value of which was £1,415. The prisoner told Mr. Keymer that he was a captain in Her Majesty's service, and was in receipt of a pension of £300 a year and was living at Burslem Lodge, Hiddington Hill, Oxford. He was interested in some property at Esher, out of which he would shortly realise £5,000. He gave Mr. Keymer bills; which were disnonoured, and had never paid for the jewellery he had ordered.
Sergeant Cockrell, 21 E, examined by Mr. Lewis, said: " On the 16th April last, at about eight p.m. I arrested the prisoner at Park-terrace, Regent's Park. In answer to the warrant I read to him, he said : " The boy that I discharged is at the bottom of all this. He has told Parker that I have removed some of the harness to the country." I took the prisoner to the station... Prisoner : Do you mean to say that you read the war-rant to me in the street? Sergeant Cockrell: No, in the house. The warrant was also read at the station.
Mr. Lewis explained that Mr. Abrahams would not be present to defend the prisoner today.
Mr. Flowers said that the prisoner would defend him-self, but he advised him not to overdo it.
Mr. Keymer, formerly of Brook-street, Hanover Square, recalled and cross examined by the prisoner, said : You represented yourself to me as being in Her Majesty's service. It does not matter if I keep an Army List in my office or not. I do not know where the card is you gave me when you called at my shop. I first found out through your solicitor, Mr. Hales, that your statements were false. I do not know on what date it was.
By Mr: Flowers: Towards paying for the jewellery the prisoner gave me bills of exchange, which were, how-ever, dishonoured. Part of the jewellery he was to have on approbation.
Mr. Flowers: And did you never get the jewellery back again?
Witness: No, sir, I am sorry to say I did not.
Mr. Flowers: When did you first discover the pri-soner's statements were false?
Witness: I cannot remember the date. Directly I found that the prisoner had deceived me I meant to abide by my loss.
Charles McLewin, examined by Mr. Lewis, said: I am assistant to Mr. George Attenborough,72, Strand. On 14th October, 1882, a ring was pledged at the shop in the name of Captain J. G. Burslem for 20. It was an emerald and diamond three-stone ring. It was pledged by Mr. W.T Armstrong, a solicitor, of 15, Broad-court, Bow-street. It was redeemed on the 1st December, 1882. I cannot say by whom.
The Prisoner: He does not say I pledged it.
Charles Victor McShane, of 16 Brewer-street, Regent-street, examined by Mr.Lewis said: I am Mr. Darling's manager and buyer.. Mr. Darling is a wholesale jeweller and diamond merchant. I remember the prisoner coming to me in November 1882. He showed me several pawn tickets and offered to sell them to me. Among others there was one from Mr.G. Attenborough. That was ticket relating to an emerald and diamond ring. I first went to see Mr.Keymer and ascertained that he had bought them from a Captain Burslem, and that they had been arranged for by some bills. I think Mr.Keymer said he had received one or two small amounts of money from the prisoner. All the tickets relate to goods bought from Mr.Keymer except one. The emerald and diamond ring was amongst them. Payment had been arranged for except for one ring which the prisoner had on approbation. I afterwards bought the pawn tickets and redeemed the jewellery.
The prisoner: Which ring was it that I had on approbation? Witness: It was the sapphire and diamond ring. Prisoner: You knew me before the transaction? Witness: That was the first transaction you had with us. I took the jewellery out of pledge, and sold it to Mr. Keymer. Prisoner: You have had great experience in jewellery. What do you consider the value of all the jewellery you bought from me? Witness: I cannot exactly remember. Prisoner: You told me at the time that I had paid too much for it. Did you not? Witness: No, certainly not. I sell to shopkeepers, and it is not likely even if I thought you had paid too much that I should tell you so. Prisoner: Could you give the magistrate an idea of the value? Witness: No, I am afraid Icould not.
William Campbell Annesly, examined by Mr.Lewis said: I am in the War Office. I am senior clerk in the pension department. I have the pension papers showing the payments to Gunner Godolphin Burslem. The payments were from February 21st 1880 up to the 31st March 1885. All of these were quarterly payments made in ink. On one occcasion he had six months pay in advance but the payments were usually made quarterly. The six months advance was paid in June 1883, to the prisoner in Marseilles. The amount of his pension was a shilling a day. I know Mr. Sidney Godolphin Osborne, the Secretary to the Army Purchase Commission. The prisoner is not the gentleman.
Prisoner: Have you yourself seen me every quarter in England? Witness: No. Prisoner: Have I been in England every quarter? Witness : I cannot say. Prisoner: You have the papers stating where and when I was paid. Will you produce them? Witness: I have the papers. Prisoner: I know what they are driving at. They want to prove that I was in England and could not have a commision abroad. (To witness) You know that I had permission to accept service abroad. I have had permission to take a commission under a foreign monarch. Witness: I have had nothing to do with the actual payments. Mr. Flowers (to witness): You think he was in England all the time except upon one occasion? Witness: The payments were made in this country except the nine months in Marseilles. I cannot tell where he was after receiving the payments. The Prisoner: It will go forth to the world that I was in England every quarter day. I was not. I had permission to go abroad. The other gentleman from the War Office stated that I had made several applications to cornmute my pension.
Major RoIlo Burslem, examined by Mr. Lewis, said : I have retired from the service. I reside at Windsor Castle. The prisoner is my nephew. His correct name, as for as I know is Godolphin Finney Burslem. The certificate produced I believe to be the certificate of his birth. He has a half-brother, whose initials are " J. G. Burslem."' I presume the brother is alive. He is abroad in New Zealand. As far as I know, the prisoner has no landed property in Esher, Surrey, or at Hoddington Hill in Oxfordshire. I do not know that he has any landed property.
Prisoner (to witness): Would you be likely to know if I had any private means? Witness: Only from what you told me. Prisoner: Yon know I married a very wealthy lady ? Witness: Only from what you told me. Prisoner: Did she not tell you herself ? Witness: She did say something about it. Prisoner:You know I sent my mother some money? Witness: Yes. Prisoner: Were yon present at my birth? Witness: No. Prisoner: Then how do yon know that is my certificate? If my father told you that was not my certificate, would you be prepared to say that it was? Witness: No, certainly not. Prisoner: Do you know that my father said in his lifetime that I was J.G. Burslem? Witness: No, I don't. Prisoner: How long have you been in Her Majesty's Service? Witness: Twenty-three years in the army, fourteen years at Windsor Castle and some years resident Governor of the Tower. Prisoner: You know I ran away from school? Witness: Yes. Prisoner: To be enlisted? Witness: I don't know that. Prisoner: You were resident Governor of the Tower at the time. Witness: Yes. Prisoner: You know I have been abroad, and all the officers spoke kindly of me? Witness: Yes. Prisoner: My brother won the Victoria Cross in the service? Witness: Yes. Prisoner: I am the first in the family who has not had comission? Witness: Yes, as far as I know.
By Mr. Lewis: I knew the prisoner had been out of the country from his letters to me and his mother
Thomas Burslem, recalled and examined by Mr. Lewis, said : I have lived near Esher for about six years. Previously to that I used to go there. During the time that I have been living there I have never known anybody living there whose name was Burslem. Prisoner: I never said that I had property at Esher, and I don't mind owning it. Witness: I think you had better be silent, you foolish boy. I never knew anybody of the name of Burslem living at Esher.
This concluded the evidence in this case.
Mr. Lewis: I have a fourth charge to bring against the prisoner, of obtaining £400 by false pretences. The prisoner went to Burgess Hill, Sussex, and has already been seen by evidence given, he agreed to purchase ahouse there. He obatined possesion of it , but never paid any of the purchase money. He represented to a gentleman that he bought the house for £2,700, and on the strength of the statements he made the gentleman was induced to loan him £.` 400, and it was discovered that he had no interest whatever in the house.
Fred. James Cully, examined by Mr. Lewis said: I live at the Gables, Burgess Hill, Sussex. I first saw the prisoner early in January of this year. About a fortnight after the prisoner was let into possession of the property. He signed an agreement that he was let into possession. He agreed to pay £1,530 down and £1,200 by four qurterly instalments. He never paid any part of the money. The deeds of the property were in Mr. Livesay (my solicitor's) possession at the time. My solicitor prepared the conveyance of the property to the prisoner. He prepared it for myself and the prisoner jointly. I signed the conveyance. The prisoner was present when I signed it. I did not instruct Mr.Livesay to hand the deeds over to anyone. Prisoner: Will you produce the contract for the magistrate? Witness: No. I have not got it. Mr.Livesay has it. Prisoner: The purchase money had not to be paid till the 25th March. Cross examined by the prisoner: I had six or eight conversations with you before you got possession of the house, I cannot recollect the dates. The purchase fell through because you could not complete it, not because it was a bad title. There were witnesses present when I had interviews with you. On one occasion a Mr.Smith was present, and on another occasion a Mr. Harrison. I had references before you entered into possession. I did not inquire of anyone whether you were secretary to the Army Purchasing Commission. You told me you were. I don't know if anyone else was present then.
The prisoner was again remanded.
20. In Sep 1885 he was involved in a court case for fraud. He appeared before the Recorder of the Central Criminal Court in London, England. 1
It was reported that:
Godolphin Finney Burslem, 29 described as of no occupation, and John Edward Smith, 52, a solicitor, who surrendered to his recognizances, were indicted for obtaining two sums of £200 and £270 from Mr. Robert Coulson by false pretences, and they were also charged with conspiring together to obtain the money.
Mr Montague Williams and Mr. Mead were counsel for the prosecution, upon the part of the Public Prosecutor; Mr J.P Grain appeared for Smith; and Mr. Bayley defended Burslem.
Mr Montague Williams, in opening the case said that the defendant Godolphin Finney Burslem, who would be known in the course of the inquiry as Sidney Godolphin Osborne - a name he had assumed - was a gunner in the Royal Artillery. He was a man who was fairly well connected and well brought up, and having enlisted in the Royal Artillery, he served through the South African campaign, by which he became entitled to a pension of 1s per day. The defendant Smith was a solicitor, and the theory of the prosecution was that under the pressure of circumstances the defendant smith lent himself to the alleged fraud of the other defendant Burslem, and that they conspired together to obtain the money from the prosecutor. It seemed that in January, 1885 a Mr. Cully was possessed of a house in Burgess-hill, in the neighbourhood of Brighton, called the Grove. Burslem, who stated that he was Captain Sidney Godolphin Osborne, and that he was a relative of the Dike of Leeds, entered into an agreement with Mr. Cully for the purchase of the property, the price of which was to be £2,700. Burslem succeeded in obtaining possession of the property before any deeds were actually signed or any money parted with. In fact no money ever passed and no deeds conveying the property to Burslem were ever delivered, although some were executed. Burslem, however, got possession of the property and changed its name to Osborne Hall. Burslem then seemed to have determined to raise money on the property, which was not his. At the time the purchase was suggested by Burslem he gave as his reference the defendant Smith.
In February Burslem applied to Mr. Coulson, the prosecutor, for an advance, being introduced to him as a person who was desirous of borrowing money on some property of his at Burgess-hill. Burslem said he was Sidney Godolphin Osborne, and that he had bought the house at Burgee-hill, only £600 of the purchase money remained unpaid. Burslem also said that he was a relation of the Duke of Leeds and that he had an income of £2,000 or £3,000 a year, and he referred to Smith as his solicitor. It was alleged by the prosecution that Smith knew perfectly well that Burslem was not any relation to the Duke of Leeds, and that he only had a pension from the Royal Artillery. It was also contended that Smith must have known that Burslem had no right to the property in question. Smith, on being asked whether Burslem had bought the property, replied in the affirmative, but that more of the purchase money remained unpaid than had been stated, and he further stated that he had the deeds, but as he was changing his office he did not know at which office they then were. Mr. Coulson then advanced to Burslem the sum of £200, and subsequently Burslem applied to him for a further advance of the same amount. He also asked Mr. Coulson to discount a bill for £95 belonging to Smith. Mr. Coulson eventually gave Burslem a cheque for £270, being the further advance of £200 and £70, the discount for the bill. When the house was searched after Burslem was taken into custody a letter from Smith to Burslem was found. The defendant Smith, it was said, all along led the prosecutor to believe that the deeds were in his possession; otherwise the money would not have been advanced. Counsel narrated some other details of the case, mentioning that the defence raised on the part of Smith was that he had been deceived in the matter by Burslem.
Evidence was then given in support of the case for the prosecution. The case was not concluded when the Court rose for the day, and it will be resumed tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. The defendant Smith was liberated on his own recognizances as before.
Transcribed from The Times of London - September 14, 1885 ______________________________________________________________________
Finney Burslem, alias the Honorable Captain Godolphin Osborne Burslem and Mr. John Smith, 52, Solicitor, were indited for conspiring to obtain money by false pretences. Mr. Montage Williams and Mr. Mead presented for the Treasury; Mr. Grain and Mr. Tickell defended Mr.Smith, Mr. Baylis appearing for Burslem.The case was part heard the previous day, and the circumstances have been fully reported. It was urged in defence of Smith that he had been in practice 30 years and in this case merely acted upon the representations made to him. The jury acquitted Smith but found Burslem Guilty. The Recorder sentenced Burslem to five years penal servitude.
Transcribed from the Times of London - September 15, 1885
21. He was in prison from 15 Sep 1885 to 16 Aug 889 18
22. He travelled on the SS Adriatic to New York from Liverpool, Lancashire on 15 Jan 1890 19 His occupation is now listed as gentleman. He arrived on Jan 27th 1890. .
23. He was Manager of the Phoenix Club from about May 1890 to 1891 in Buffalo, New York. 20
The following story describes the Phoenix club and notes that "Capt. Burslem" is manager.
" THE PHOENIX CLUB. - IT FINDS A HOME IN THE TRACY MANSION. It is a Beautiful Home and Was Given a Warming Last Night That Was Most Enjoyable.
The Phoenix Club gave a brilliant opening last night at its new club house, the old Tracy Mansion at the corner of Court and Franklin Streets, refitted appropriately for club purposes. The men laid themselves out to entertain their fair friends and they succeeded admirably. The handsome rooms of the club house were thronged all the evening. The club numbers now about 115 and it is safe to say few of the members were absent last night. The guests numbered 150 so that it was a well -attended house-warming. Kuhn's large orchestra, stationed in the director's room, filled the air with sweet music. Supper was served in the dining room. The club management has been at work upon the mansion for about six weeks, during which time it has been greatly beautified in appearance and it now makes a most attractive and complete home for a club. The rooms have been retialed and frescoed. The decorative work and the furnishing of the various rooms is in excellent taste, and the whole effect produced by a stroll through the house is very pleasing. The hall has been finished in dark olive tints and lincrusta walton. The small room on the left as one enters is used as a directors' room and is finished in chocolate colors The parlor is a dainty apartment. The colors in which the walls and ceiling are tinted arc very light olives, and care has been taken to make the decorative work on walls and ceiling and the carpets and furniture harmonize. The result is a room which ought not to offend the most cultivated taste.
The room into which the parlor opens is the reading-room. It is a richly-furnished, attractive room, finished in terra cotta, its air of quiet comfort tempting to an hour with book or magazine. Its furniture is polished oak in antique designs.
Going upstairs one passes first into a lounging room, then into the billiard and pool rooms, all attractive rooms and furnished in keeping with their purposes. Back of the pool room is the coat room, lavatories, linen/room, etc. On the other side of the hall and in the rear part of the upper story are a series of card rooms with polished oak tables and chairs. Grill work separates the parlor and reading room, but it can be removed for dancing. It is the intention to make a ball room out of the barn at some time in the future. "Dancing in the barn" will then be an appropriate dance.
The glory of the old Tracy mansion was the dining-room, and it remains now the most impressive room in the club-house. It has been changed but little. It looked very lovely last evening, the dark woods set off by the lights, the ornamented tables, and the brilliant costumes of the women.
The officers of the Phoenix Club are L. M. Brock, president: Henry Weill, vice president: David H. Desbecker, treasurer, Abram L. Warner, secretary. The house committee who must be given the chief credit for the appearance the clubhouse now presents is. Frederick Ullman, Isidore Cohen, Daniel Desbecker, Irving Frankel, Edward ]ellineck, David M. J. Wall, and Isidor H. Falk. Capt. Burslem is manager."
Transcribed from the Buffalo Express, May 21 1890,
There must have been a subsequent falling out as the following court case was reported two years later.
Court -Trial Term - The Hon. Edward W. Hatch, Judge. May 13th."
Godolphin T. Burslem vs. Phoenix club of Buffalo. Verdict of $184.38 for plalntiff.
Transcribed from the Buffalo Morning Express May 14, 1892
24. The following story appeared in September1891
"Robbed a Club Steward."
Buffalo, Sept.4. Steward Burslem of the Phoenix Club was robbed yesterday morning of valuables estimated to be worth about $1,000. Burslem had temporarily employed a stranger to do some work about the club. While Burslem was occupied in another part of the building the man entered the steward's apartments and took jewelry and other articles of value to the above amount, He has not yet been arrested.
Transcribed from the Syracuse Evening Herald, Sept 4 1891
In view of his criminal background in England and his subsequent activities in New York it seems very likely that this claim was an attempt to gain some "reimbursement", either from the club or from the club's insurers. 21
25. He was involved in a court case for slander in 1892. 1 He was sued by Minnie Cummings, the Actress.
26. He was the Manager or Owner of the Cafe de Paris from about 1892 to 1893 in Buffalo, New York. 22
Capt Burslem. a few years ago, was well known in Buffalo and many will remember him. His was a strange personality. For a time he conducted the Café de Paris on Washington Street, near Clinton Street. He told many wild stories of his career as an English army officer in London and was even a greater attraction in the Cafe de Paris than was its cuisine. He went to New York about seven years ago and became steward, in one of the larger hotels. From time to time, since then, news of his various troubles have reached his acquaintances in Buffalo.
Transcribed Buffalo Morning Express July 4 1901
Even then he seems to have been in trouble with the authorities. There are a number of newspaper references to the "Canadian Bartender Affair".
Capt. Burslem is Said to Have Hired One and Now Has Trouble on His Hands.
Capt. G. Burslem of the Cafe de Paris cannot regard life on American soil as a rosebud experience. After settling complications with the excise regulations, the Captain appears to hare run flatly against the Alien Contract-labor law . Inspector De Barry has made an investigation which disclosed facts rather damaging to the Captain. It is said that a short time ago he contracted with Samuel O. Edwards of Bellevue, Ont., in Toronto, to serve as bartender in the Captain's saloon for $20 a month. Edwards came over the border and has been working for Burslem several days.
It is expected that warrants, civil and criminal, will be sworn out against Burslem today, while Edwards will be deported."
Transcribed from the Buffalo Express September ? 1892 (date unreadable)
Commissioner Fitzgerald Would Not Issue a Warrant for Capt. Burslem's Arrest.
It now appears that the proceedings begun against Capt. Burslem, in reference to his alleged Violation of the Alien-Contract Labor Law, as noted in yesterday's issue of "The Express," should have been taken civilly and not criminally. At least, so United States Commissioner Fitzgerald and District Attorney Alexander think. A warrant was applied for to the Commissioner, and he, finding that Capt. Burslem did not import Edwards, his Canadian employee, expressed himself as in doubt. He consulted with Mr. Alexander, and he says the latter agrees with him that the case is not one for criminal prosecution. No warrant, therefore, was issued. It is likely that civil proceedings will now be brought."
Transcribed from the Buffalo Express September 28 1892
L. G. Edwards, the young man who Inspector De Barry insists was brought from Toronto to this city by Capt Burslem under contract to work as a bartender in the Captain's cafe, has returned to Canada. The Inspector had a long talk with him yesterday afternoon, the outcome of which was Edwards's deportation. Asked if a civil action against Capt. Burslem would follow, Mr. De Beers said: "Yes, there would he if remained in the States, but I could not legally hold him, the only ..........(the rest of the report is unreadable)" Transcribed from the Buffalo Morning Express, Sept 29 1892
27. It is reported that:
"BUFFALO. N.Y., April 7 - William Rooke, said to be a former accountant of London, England, was arrested several days ago on the charge of taking out naturalization papers as Wallace Ross, under which assumed name he had been conducting a Washington street saloon here. The complaint was made by Captain G.Burslam, a British army pensioner, who keeps a restaurant above Rooke's saloon, who claims to have known Rooke in London. Rooke was arraigned and held in bonds for the May term of the United States court at Rochester.
Captain Burslam said to a United Press correspondent today that he knew Rooke, in London and the latter was an official accountant with a large business and moved in good society. Burslem also said that Rooke was a defaulter to a large amount and was wanted in England on that charge."
A follow up story appears in the Buffalo Express later in the month, headed "CASE OF GET EVEN' What Burslem says of his arrest for violating Excise Ordinances. The troubles between Capt. Burslem and Wallace Ross are evidently not at an end yet. Not long ago, it will be remembered, Burslem had Ross arrested on the charge of obtaining citizenship papers under an assumed name. Commissioner Hirschbeck held him for the Rochester term of the United States Court, which begins next month. And now Ross has had Burslem arrested. At least Burslem says the arrest is at the saloon-keeper's instigation.
The restaurant-keeper was taken in to custody by Specials McCabe and Notter on the charge of selling liquor without a license. Burslem, of course, denies the accusation. He says that the complaint is based upon a single occasion in the early part of last March, when he, Ross and a number of the latter's friends were shaking dice in his (Burslem's) place. When Burslem was "stuck" he ordered some of his own liquor, so he says, and did not sell it, but gave it to the others. The police say that the arrest was made on the complaint of a number of persons who claim to have been sold liquor at Burslem's restaurant. Burslem was arraigned to the Police Court yesterday and his case was postponed until May 4th.
Transcribed from the Buffalo Express , April 27 1892 23
28. In Aug 1894 he was involved in a court case for the non return of furniture held as security by Edward Vogel, a plumber in New York. 24 A newspaper report stated that:
" Captain G.F. Burslem, an ex-army officer who, until recently,was manager of the Towers, a Summer house, conducted by Miss Minnie Cummings, the actress, at Elberon. N.J. Captain Burslem alleged that Vogel was holding his furniture for a plumber's bill of $16.50, which Miss Cummings owed to him. The Capatin said that when he had been engaged as manager of the Towers he had stored his furniture with Vogel and sent Vogel down to Elberon to do some plumbing work. Miss Cummings refused to pay and the Captain said that Vogel was holding his furniture as security. Vogel said that Captain Burslem owed him a quarter and that he could not have the furniture until he had paid the quarter. Captain Burslem promptly paid the quarter and the case was dismissed."
This report is curious in that he had fallen out with Miss Minnie Cummings in 1892, two years before, with accusations of slander.
29. He received his United States citizenship on 5 Oct 1894 in Superior Court, New York County. 25 His occupation is listed as Hotel Manager.
The Elmira Telegram. October 7 1894 reported the following story:
LOSES HIS PENSION. [Special to the Telegram.] New York, Oct.. 6.-Captain Godolphin F. Burslem, well-known in Buffalo, Niagara Falls and western New York as a hotel man and caterer, was naturalized today by Judge Gildersleeve in the superior court. The.captain, who is now steward of the Empire hotel, wears seven decorations gained for heroism in the Zulu/ Kaffir and Egyptian wars and draws a pension ot $80 a month, which he will lose through' becoming an American citizen. He is going to join Tammany hall.
Judging by the extravagant claims of his miltary decorations and his claim of a pension of $80 a month (his military records show 10 shillings a month, subsequently cancelled as a result of his conviction for fraud) it looks as though he either submitted the story himself or told the reporter a tall story.
30. In1895 he authored and published a book "Crime and Criminals" through the NY Publication Print Company. This appears to have been a vanity press publication. However it is noteable in several ways. It appears to be a plagiarised version of the Newgate Calendar but, tucked away in the last chapter is the story of a very sophisticated confidence trick played on a London jeweller who was defrauded of a silver dinner service worth in excess of £5,000. The story is told in the first person by the author who claims to have been the detective officer investigating the crime. Because of the amount of detail and different writing style to the rest of the book it may well be that this is autobiographical.
The last chapter reads:
"In the summer of 18** an immense sensation was created not only in Whitehall, but throughout the metropolis, by the news that Messrs ****, the eminent silversmiths and jewellers, of **** street, had been "confidenced" out of an immensely valuable and complete silver banqueting service, valued at nearly five thousand pounds sterling. The cool impudence and clever manipulation with which the firm had been "done" have never been surpassed and rarely equalled. In common with several other detective officers I have engaged for weeks searching for "clues" to the daring performers whose feat was commented upon by most of the leading newspapers of the day, several of which devoted leading articles to the subject, so unprecedented were the circumstances considered and oddly enough no blame was repeated to us, when all our efforts and patience was found to have been exhausted in a fruitless chase, so cunning were the precautions of the swindlers on every hand allowed to have been. But let the reader judge as to whether the odds in this particular game were greatly in favour of the criminals and against their natural foes, the pursuers.
A faultlessly attired young "clergyman" of the "High Church" stepped one afternoon out of a neatly appointed brougham and entering the establishment of Messrs ****, silversmiths, who became the victims, bought some articles for which he duly paid in gold, having changed his mind about giving a cheque for it on Coutts, when he found sovereigns enough loose in his waistcoat pocket. Spending some time in the shop he took occasion to remark casually to the courteous shop assistant, who served him, that his uncle the Bishop of ****, having just appointed him to the valuable living of **** (naming a place in which a …. incumbent really had, as the newspapers had announced, been installed) that he supposed the Radical press would raise the usual cry of being held paramount to the Church and so forth. The assistant, of course, said something about hoping not, which drew from the gushing young curate, newly become rector, further confidences about himself and his private affairs. As a matter of fact, he remarked, he had very little to thank his Episcopal relative for, as all the while he had plodded along as a single man doing the drudgery of a large rural parish upon a paltry stipend, his lordship had turned a deaf ear to every application made on his behalf. When he married the sweetest woman in the world, merely because she happened to bring him a few thousand a year, everybody was anxious to serve him. It was the way of the world, etc. There was one thing, however, which he had resolved upon doing, and his wife was entirely of his way of thinking - he would discharge his obligation to his tardy benefactor by presenting to him a valuable service of plate and if he could spend one year's income of the new benefice on it, it would please him all the better.
The assistant, as may be supposed, at the mention of so worthy an intention, became singularly interested, quite agreeing with the gentleman, that no worthier present than the recherché dinner service of silver could possibly be thought of. It so happened too, that the firm had in stock just the thing, which the reverend gentleman no doubt knew well enough before he entered the place? Would the customer like to be introduced to one of the partners who was then above stairs?
The rector could not spare the time then as he had an appointment to call for his wife to drive her to the House of Lords, but if the partner would be in waiting the next afternoon at four o'clock, and have the service spoken of laid out to its best advantage in the showroom, he would come again, bring his right reverend uncle with him, and if they approved of the present he would give a check and settle the matter at once, as his time in town was short and he had much to do. And so the matter was settled, greatly to the satisfaction of Messrs **** 's gentlemanly young man, who with a House of Lords, but if the partner wuHH profusion of bows and smiles saw the clergyman into his carriage, and hastened back to acquaint his employers with the good stroke of business he had done.
Punctual to his appointment the reverend gentleman appeared at the showroom the next afternoon, carriage, horses and two servants in attendance, as before, but no bishop. His Lordship was in one of his severely stay-at-home moods, and his affectionate nephew, after carefully inspecting the pretty things on the table, and approving the workmanship, suggested that as the mountain would not come to Mahomet, Mahomet should go to the mountain, in other words that the plate should be sent round to the bishop's residence for inspection. To this the partner of the house not only consented, but (probably thinking that some sort of Episcopal blessing would light on him at a personal interview) agreed to go in a cab with it himself. The rector, apologising for not giving him a seat in his carriage as he had to in take Mrs **** up on his way back as he had left the old lady shopping, beat the firm down some twenty guineas, after a good deal of haggling, and took his departure. In five minutes, however, he was back again.
He had been thinking it appeared over one piece in the set, an ornamental fruit support, the figure of an almost nude young lady and had come to the conclusion that it might be "just you know a little too-tooish" for so very particular a man as his uncle was. What did the partner think? Well, he could scarcely agree with the critic. The piece was severely classical in design, was a replica in fact from one at Windsor Castle, and everybody knew how extremely proper Her Majesty's taste was in such things. Yes, that was possible, but then, you see, the Queen although head of the church, was not a bishop, and what was sauce for the goose was not always quite the correct sort of thing for the gander and yet it would, it had to be conceded, spoil the harmony of the set to have the young lady, with so little on, clean out of it. Could a figure, just a suspicion more draped be exchanged for it from some other set? Oh yes, easily, but it would not, to critical eyes, seem to belong to it. Piece produced, placed in different positions, turned round, viewed from a little distance, some wax fruit placed in the Neapolitan's dainty basket, to show the effect, and finally approved of, but not, without considerable hesitation, and two or three replacings of the original fair offender. The matter finally settled, the intending purchaser drove off, wondering what his wife would think of the delay, and bidding the silversmith " not to be more than half an hour before appearing at **** Square as he wished to go out again that afternoon after he had done with him and his uncle.
The next scene in this great confidence trick opens at the door of the Bishop of ****'s mansion, in ****. Time, ten minutes later than the close of discussion about the tiresome young lady of the dinner service. The bishop's footman is discovered respectfully standing at the door of the Rev, Mr ****'s carriage, explaining that that unfortunately his Lordship has only half an hour before started for the House of Lords.
"How exceedingly vexing! I fear I have not time to drive so far and back, as I must catch a train, and the bishop will be so grieved that I have left town without seeing him. I think that I had better step inside and write him a little note.
"Certainly, sir" and in goes the reverend gentleman, after directing the coachman to keep the horses gently moving. The footman, with the Rev. Mr ****'s visiting card in hand, shows the owner into the dining room, and. After placing writing materials before him, deferentially withdraws, while the rector scribbles away as furiously as if he were writing a charity sermon. The carriage, it must be noted was sent away from the door "to exercise the horses" so as not to excite any suspicion in the mind of the silversmith, who soon after drove up in a four-wheeler, and asked for the Rev ****. The footman before alluded to, duly showed the gentleman in and helped him carry the heavy brown paper parcels into the dining room into which the bishop's "guest" had directed his visitor and the parcels that he had brought, and then disappeared as before.
"His Lordship will be down in a few minutes. Mr **** take a seat, pray. I saw your cab at the door and sent word to my uncle, so he will not keep us long, I hope. While he is coming let us have just one more look at the tiresome young lady who gave us so much trouble. Did bring her with you as well as the little Neapolitan Fruiterer?"
"No sir. I thought that we had finally settled that the piece from the other set was to be substituted although you remember my own poor opinion was that it was no improvement"
This as it entailed a Neapolitaness having to be made for the set from which it had to be abstracted, was the silversmith's real opinion. The clergyman was thoughtful for a moment. He evidently had an idea.
"I tell you what" looking at the timepiece on the mantelshelf. " I really would like the bishop to see both pieces and then he could decide for himself, couldn't he? It would be troubling you too much, I am afraid, to drive back for it, you need hardly be gone ten minutes.
"Not at all, sir. I will go at once and if you would not mind finishing the unpacking while I am gone and arranging them to the best advantage on this table I should be back almost as soon as they are all placed"
"Capital. Off with you then and bring back the sparingly attired one. Yes, I think we must let the bishop see her. And I say - "
"Yes, sir"
The clergyman was laughing, so he was evidently concocting a little joke, and as the victim turned round he cheerily cried after him
"Mind the poor lady does not take cold"
With a hearty laugh, as in duty bound at so good a witticism from so excellent a customer, the silversmith went out at quick march with the assurance on his lips that he would "wrap her up well" which indeed he did but I regret to say that he never saw a single article of all that priceless service.
He was no sooner off, in fact, than with consummate coolness the confidence person rang for the footman, directed him to beckon his coachman to the door, and assist his drab-coated assistant in placing "these packages" in the brougham. That having been done to his satisfaction, he further requested the footman to be sure and give his Lordship the letter that evening however late he may return from the House of lords and then with a graceful bow he ordered his man to the station and away they went and in spite of my brother officers' efforts and my own we were never able to get a ghost of a clue to "parson" or servants and they were never heard of (at all events in those characters) again.
The coaches and horses were traced, they had been hired from a very respectable man in the way of ordinary business, but so extraordinary had been the precautions taken by the "rector" and his accomplice that we could not trace them beyond the furnished apartment to which the former had temporarily taken up his abode. My own belief is that, satisfied with the haul, the "scamps" emigrated with the proceeds and thus transferred their undoubted talents to fresh fields and pastures new." 26
31. In1895 he published a book "Devil American - Strange Adventures of a War Correspondent in Cuba" authored by Franc R.E. Woodward. (ASIN B00006EBJKK) 27
32. In 1896 he lived 135 West Seventy-second Street in New York 28
33. He travelled on the SS Germanic from New York on 3 Jul 1896 29 His occupation is shown as Broker.
34. In 1898 the following entry appeared in the book "Representative Men of New York, a record of their achievements."
GODOLPHIN F. BURSLEM was born in England on May 6, 1855. He is the son of Col. George James Burslem, and comes of one of the best known military families in England, representatives of which can be found in the army and navy lists for generations. His father was Colonel of the Ninety-fourth Highlanders and a life member of the Royal United Service Institution. One of Captain Burslem's brothers, Nathaniel Godolphin Burslem, was Captain of the Fourth Batallion, Sixtieth Rifles, and received a medal, clasp and the Victoria Cross. Rollo Gillespie Burslem, an uncle, was Major in the Forty-third Regiment, while with the Thirteenth receiving a medal for gallantry in the storming of Ghuznee. He retired from the army in 1850, was appointed Acting-Governor of the Tower of London, afterwards Military Knight at Windsor Castle, was Governor of the Knights for twenty years and an author and lecturer of note.
Nathaniel Burslem, grandfather of our subject, was Knight of Hanover and Colonel of the Eleventh Regiment. He served as Deputy-Ouartermaster-General at the attack of the Isle of Java, in 1811, and was awarded a gold medal, given only in most extraordinary instances. After his retirement he was a large landowner in Newbury, Berkshire, and was appointed Magistrate, holding the post until his death, at 92. His uncle was Lieut. James Godolphin Burslem, Royal Artillery, who served at the siege of Houat,commanded a detachment of artillery in a night attack on Morbihan, and landed at Ferrol with the army of Sir James Pultney. In the campaign in Egypt, in 1801, he was at the siege of Aboukir, and lost a leg at Alexandria. He received a medal for services in Africa.
Among Capt. Godolphin F. Burslem's other military connections were Col. Henry Burslem, many years Paymaster-General in the War Office; Commander Marshall Willoughby Burslem, of the Navy, an uncle ; Capt. James Godolphin Burslem, Royal Navy, an uncle ; Midshipman George James Burslem, Royal Navy, a brother, and Lieut. Rollo Vokes Burslem, Fourteenth Regiment, a brother. The family pedigree, printed in the "History of Burslem, Staffordshire," shows the direct descent of Godolphin Finney Burslem from the time of Edward IV, with relationship to the Earl of Godolphin in direct descent, as also his relationship to General Burton and to the Wedgewoods, through marriage with Josiah Wedgewood, of potter fame at Stoke-on-Trent.
Capt. Godolphin F. Burslem, of whose remarkable career we write, entered the Woolwich Military School in 1870, and the Royal Horse Artillery in 1871. In 1874 he went to Africa to join the artillery troop in the Cape Mounted Police, was afterwards appointed Drill Instructor to the King Williamstown Volunteer Artillery, and later made Assistant Secretary on the staff of Sir Bartle Frere, Governor of Cape Colony. At this time the Kaffir War broke out and he went to the front as Secretary to Colonel Elgee, commanding the Royal Artillery in South Africa.
He was employed on despatch duty and carried orders to the different detachments surrounding the mountains in which the Kaffirs were hidden. It was a most perilous undertaking, given to him because of his knowledge of the country. For two years he was on this dangerous duty, and at this time the Zulu War broke out, when he followed Colonel Law as Military Secretary in the march from Cape Colony to Natal, where he volunteered to join a battery of artillery going to the Transvaal, under Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood, V. C. C. B., under whom he marched to Utrecht, whence the troops entered Zululand. Captain Burslem was present at all the engagements which took place up to the battle of Kambula Hill, where the Zulus massed 35,000 men to oppose a British force of 2,500. The engagement that followed was a desperate one, the British losing a hundred, dead and wounded. A few days later Captain Burslem was sent out with a skirmishing party, was severely wounded in the leg and sent to the hospital. On his arrival there he was met by and had the assistance of the Prince Imperial of France, on his first appearance with the British column. Captain Burslem was then unaware of his identity, but his marked kindness, coming as it did from a stranger, impressed the Captain most forcibly. When Captain Burslem was afterwards removed to Utrecht, the prince, with Lord Chelmsford, visited him. A few days afterwards Captain Burslem, with sorrow, learned of the gallant Prince's death,killed by a Zulu ambush. Soon afterwards Captain Burslem was invalided home and retired with a pension. Sometime afterwards the Egyptian War broke out and Captain Burslem procured letters of introduction from General Reilly, of the Royal Artillery, to General Baker, who was in the service of the Khedive of Egypt in suppressing the rebellion of Arabi Pasha and afterwards of the Soudanese. General Baker was organizing a regiment of Gendarmerie, and as Captain Burslem fluently spoke French, the language in educated and military circles, he was given a Captain's commission and placed in charge of a detachment of Krupp guns. He was again wounded and forced to return to England. Here the various professions are separated by rigid lines, a retired military officer standing little or no chance in commercial life. His military training, his associations and the army traditions conspired to defeat his aims, and his only recourse was to seek a field of action beyond the seas.
Honorably discharged from active service when still a young man, and in spite of his wounds in battle, blessed with a superabundant stock of vitality and inheriting considerable patrimony, he grew restive under enforced idleness, and, coming to this country, settled in Buffalo in 1885, two years later leasing the Prospect Park Hotel, at Niagara Falls. His success was notable, and his confidence in commercial affairs increased to such an extent that, in 1889, he came to New York and for two years was connected with the Metropolitan Hotel, as Purchasing Agent. These positions, valuable though they were in affording experience in business life, did not satisfy a man with the traditions and training of Captain Burslem, and in 1891, he entered the publishing business, which he followed for some time with great success. All these experiences, however, were only preliminary to his settling down to his real profession. He discovered in time that the bent of his mind was in the direction of finance, and with his grasp of the requirements of commercial propositions and his capacity for organization, he could find no better outlet than in promoting desirable enterprises. Accordingly, he lost no time in embarking as a banker and broker.
In the past three years Captain Burslem has succeeded in incorporating forty-three companies, possessing an aggregate capitalization of $23,000,000. His success is attributable to natural aptitude for financial affairs, joined to unswerving integrity, for it has been asserted that he will have absolutely nothing to do with an undertaking in any way questionable, esteeming a reputation for honest dealing above every other consideration. Indeed, his high standing with capitalists and investors could have been learned in no other way than by unswerving allegiance to the highest principles.
In political circles, too , Captain Burslem has achieved an enviable reputation which culminated at the late election in his nomination by the Democratic Party for Assemblyman from the Nineteenth District. The District was Republican, and gave an adverse plurality of 741, but the large vote polled by Captain Burslem was a striking tribute to his popularity, and furnishes ample augur of future political success in the land of his adoption. He is an active and prominent member of the Democratic Club and of other political associations.
On the 15th day of December, 1S89, Captain Burslem was married to Miss Mary Whiteway, of Devonshire, England.
(Editor's note. - I suspect that this was written by Godolphin Finney Burslem himself. As can be verified by other sources much of this is either a complete fabrication of the truth or, at the very least least, is substantially embellished. - Jim Burslem)
35. Newspaper Report: 5 May 1899. 30 The Brooklyn Eagle reported in the Turf and Track column:
...........William Wright of Elmont has sold his fast trotter, May Tempest, to Captain C.F.Burslem........."
36. He was involved in a court case in Jun 1899 in New York. 31 The Brooklyn Eagle reports:
Suit Against Her Husband, on Trial before Justice Jenks
Suit for absolute divorce has been brought in the Supreme Court, by Mrs.Mary E. Burslem, late of Cedarhurst, L.I. against Godolphin F. Burslem, a banker and broker in Manhattan. Justice Jenks this morning, in Supreme Court, granted, on application of Lawyer Marshall, to the plaintiff, $125 as counsel fee and $15 a week alimony.
It is alleged in the complaint that the marriage took place in London, England on or about January14, 1890; that one night in February last the defendant was with a woman unknown to the plaintiff at the Metropolitan Hotel in Manhattan. Through Edward H. Kissam, the defendant absolutely denies all charges of unfaithfulness.
Mrs. Burslem says that Burslem has a fine establishment at Cedarhurst; that there are many servants; that the defemndant recieves an income of from $5,000 to $6,000 a year from his business; that he owns about $60,000 in real estate, and that he gets from his rents abot $500 a month."
37. Newspaper Report: The Constable Jackson affair, Sep-Oct 1899. 32
It was reported in the Brooklyn Eagle of Sep 23 1889:
"Mineola L.I September 23 - A complaint against Constable Jackson was made to the Nassau County Supervisors at their meeting yesterday by Banker George F. Burslem of Manhattan, who has a summer house at Cedarhurst.
According to Mr. Burslem's statement, his barn was robbed during the summer months and a quantity of harness taken. Later he was notified by Constable Jackson that the harness had been found and the thief arrested, and Jackson sent Mr. Burslem a bill for $15 for his trouble in running down the thief. Mr. Burslem knew that the constables were paid out of the money which he helped contribute toward the running expenses of the local government, and therefore he did not respond to Jackson's invitation to cash up. It was his first experience with a Hempstead constable, and he was unprepared for what followed, for when Jackson's bill was not promptly paid he proceeded to attach a lot of chickens on Mr. Burslem's place. Mr. Burslem's complaint is being investigated."
and on Oct 12, 1889:
"Mineola, L.I, October 12 - Constable William Jackson of Lawrence was arrested here yesterday on a warrant issued by Justice Searing on complaint of George. F. Burslem of Manhattan, a summer resident of Cedarhurst. Last summer Jackson sent Mr. Burslem a bill of $15 for catching an alleged thief, and when payment was refused, according to the complaint, he attached a number of fowl at Mr. Burslem's place. Yesterday Constable Jackson was here to testify before the Grand Jury and when Burslem saw the Constable he webnt before Jackson Searing and swore out a warrant. When Jackson was arraigned he became abusive and Justice Searing had tosilence him by a threat of punishment for contempt of court. Constable Jackson was released on his cognizance for examination. He says that the chickens which he is accused of stealing were given to him by Mrs. Burslem."
38. Newspaper Report: from the North Adams Evening Transcript, 1900. 33
It was reported:
"Cheshire people will be interested to know that Captain G.F. Burslem has been arrested in New york on the charge of swindling and is now reposing in the tombs in default of $1000 bail. "Captain" Burslem spent some time in Cheshire last summer and managed to gain the confidence of Samuel Oakman , an old man who has several patents from which he draws royalties, who was "done" out of from $300 to $500. According to the New York papers has had a long and successful career in "doing" people out of their money, and it now seems as if might take an extended vacation at the public expense."
39. In 1900 he was involved in a court case for fraud in Centre Street Court, New York. 34
the New York Times of June 3 1900 reported:
Charged with Taking Client's Money
Was on Sir Bartle Frere's Staff.
Godolphin F. Burslem who says he is a broker, forty-three years old, of 28 East Eighty-second Street, was a prisoner in Centre Street Court yesterday morning, charged with the larceny of $1,000, which had been given to him on Feb. 20, 1899, by the complainant, Carrie Kramer, of 233 West Fourteenth Street; for ninety-shares of stock of the Whitney Safety Fire Arms Company, then at 2 and 4 Wall Street.
According to .the affidavit of the complainant, Burslem told her he was President of the company named, and had himself invested not less than $75,000 in the concern. The complainant alleged that she had been unable to recover her money, and that she did not get any of the 8 per cent dividend on her investment which she says was promised her by Burslem. William H. Whitney of 66 Maiden Lane, who is the Treasurer of the company named made an affidavit which was attached to the complaint and which said that Burslem had no official connection with the concern at the time he received the $81,000 from Carrie Kramer.
The prisoner, who was paroled in the custody of Lawyer Woodville for further examination, told: Magistrate Deuel that a like complaint had been made against him by Mr William H. Whitney some time ago and that the proceedings were dismissed by Magistrate Brann.
Burslem, it is .said, was at one time Assistant Secretary on the staff of Sir Bartle Frere, when he was Governor of Cape Colony. He was also at one time a Captain in the Royal Horse Artillery in the British Army and is the son of Col. George James Burslem of .the Ninety-fourth Highlanders."
The Whitney Safety Firearms Company were gun makers located in Florence MA from 1887 to 1894. Curiously the address of the Company in the above report is the same as appears under a personal advertisement in the Brooklyn Eagle on Oct 16, 1898 that reads:
"Large fund available to increase or develop safe profitable enterprise: state full proposition. Burslem & Co, 2 Wall Street."
40. In 1901 he was involved in a court case for fraud in New York. 35
The New York Times reported:
He is Alleged to Have a Picturesque Criminal Career Described as a Distinguished-Looking Englishman with a Cork Leg, He is Charged with Larceny
"Captain" Godolphin Finney Burslem, a distinguished looking Englishman with a cork leg, whose career, the police say, is one of the most picturesque recorded in the annals of Scotland Yard, was committed to the Tombs by recorder Goff yesterday in default of $1,000 bail, charged with stealing $40 from Mrs. Caroline W. Kramer of 271 West Fourteenth street.
"Captain" Burslem alias " Col.Osborne" was indicted by the Grand Jury Dec. 12 last. A bench warrant was issued for his arrest, but he suddenly disappeared from his address, then at 532 East Eighty-second Street. Detective Sergeant Cuff arrested Burslem in Boston Monday and arraigned him yesterday.
Mrs Kramer alleges that the man told her that he was an ex-Captain in the royal army and met first in a social way early in 1900. On Feb.18 of that year she declares that he told her that he owned an equity of $5,000 in a house at 1,111 Putnam Avenue, Plainfield, N.J. He offered to sell it for $2,000. Mrs Kramer bought it and engaged "Capt" Burslem as her agent to collect the monthly rent of $40.
For eight months he collected this rent but failed to make any return to her, she says. He is now charged specifically with the larceny of one month's rent. Mrs. Kramer also contends that she gave Burslem $6,900 to invest for her. She does not know what became of this money.
Burslem comes of an old English family and really was in the British Army at one time. In 1892 he sprang to notoriety when Mrs. Minnie Cummings, an ex-actress, sued him in New Jersey for slander. The suit attracted great attention at the time. Mrs. Cummings lost it. Subsequently she issued a pamphlet entitled "The Vindication of the Character of Mrs. Minnie Cummings."
In this pamphlet is set forth what purports to be "Capt" Burslem's criminal record in England. It is in the shape of a communication from Police Inspector Henry Moore of London to Benjamin Murphy, Chief of the Jersey City Police, and is dated Aug.26. 1894. It says of Burslem:
"His first fraud was the obtaining from Charles Luker of Oxford £500 upon an imaginary reversion of a life interest of his father in a sum of £2,000. He was not prosecuted for this, his father, who had been assisting him in the fraud, dying in the meantime. Burslem then went to Egypt and tried to join the gendarmerie of Baker Pasha. He was unsuccessful and returned home, leaving his bill unpaid at Shephard's Hotel, Cairo."
After enumerating a number of other offences, the communication continues: " In May, 1885, Burslem was arrested in Cockerill for obtaining harness and valuable securities by fraud. For these offences he was sentenced by the Recorder, Sir T. Chambers, to five years' penal servitude. He was discharged from prison on license Aug, 16, 1889, and went to America in January, 1890"
The original of the above communication is said now to be in the hands of Chief Murphy of Jersey City. Detective Sergeant Cuff said that the facts as set forth were correct." ________________________________________
The New York Daily Tribune also reported this case on Wednesday July 3, 1901, stating that "Burslem is a tall, military looking man, with a cork leg. He says he is a promoter, banker and broker, with offices at Nos 2 and 4 Wall Street." The rest of the report covers the same facts as stated in the New York Times.
41. In Jul 1901 he lived 532 East Eighty-second street in New York
42. Newspaper Report: from the Manitoba Free Press, 28 Nov 1907. 36 In a section marked LOST RELATIVES the following letter was found.
"G.F.Burslem of New York seeks the relatives of his mother, nee Angelina Ellen Stevens. Mrs Burslem was at school in Ireland when in 1850 she met her future husband and married him. Since then she has not seen or heard of any of her relatives. it is thought that a branch of the family resides in Adelaide, Australia."
There are several questions raised by this letter. He implies that his mother is still alive, in fact she died in 1889. His eldest full brother George James was born in 1847 to Angelina Stephens though his father was married at the time to Susan, nee Vokes. Based on age information provided on the 1881 census, Angelina would have been about 16 years old. On September 15, 1852 his father and mother were eventually married and Godolphin Finnie was born in 1855.
43. In 1910 he lived on W 115 Street in New York 37 The Census shows his occupation as Broker and that of his wife Mary C.Burslem is Masseur. The length of the marriage is shown to be 22 years which would put the marriage date at about 1888. The accommodation is rented.
Father: Captain George James Burslem (1809-Abt 1882) 38 Mother: Angelina Ellen Stephens (Abt 1831-1889)
Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Elizabeth Whiteway ( - ) Marriage: 14 Jan 1890 2. Ellen Glassen ( - ) Marriage: 27 May 1881 - St. Martin in the Fields, London 3. Kathleen Ainsworth ( - ) Marriage: 16 Oct 1882 - St.Andrew's Church, Wolverhampton
1. New York Times Archives, July 3 1901. Surety: 3.
2. www.familysearch.com, Search. Surety: 4.
3. www.familysearch.com, Search. Surety: 3.
4. UK Census (Various), 1871 Census Records. Page 33 of Clapham Electoral records. Surety: 3.
5. Offical Army Records - Godolphin Finney Burslem, Surety: 4. .... database and images(accessed Aug 1, 2008); Evidence of military service and discharge. Surety: 3.
6. Offical Army Records - Godolphin Finney Burslem, Surety: 3. .... Findmypast.co.uk, The Chelsea Pensioners British Army Service Records 1760-1913 in conjunction with the National Archives.WO97. Search for Burslem. Surety: 4.
7. Offical Army Records - Godolphin Finney Burslem, Surety: 3.
8. UK Census (Various), 1881 Census. page 60 St.Michael's and All Angels, Chiswick. Surety: 3.
9. UK National Archives, Vrious affidavits on file., Affidavit in support of Petition. Surety: 3.
10. Ancestry.co.uk, Shipping records - passenger list for the Belgenland july 9 1881. Surety: 3.
11. Historical Newspapers, Daily, Independent, Helena - Sep 1881. Surety: 3.
12. Ancestry.co.uk, Shipping lists. Surety: 3.
13. Historical Newspapers, date unknown. Surety: 3.
14. The London Gazette, Apr 17 1885 page 1775. Surety: 3.
15. Historical Newspapers, the Times of London - April 27 and May 11, 1885. Surety: 3.
16. The London Gazette, April 17 1885 page 1773 and May 26 1885 page 2463. Surety: 4.
17. Historical Newspapers, The Times of London June 8 1885. Surety: 3. .... Historical Newspapers, The Observer - Jun 14, 1885; Page: 2. Surety: 4.
18. New York Times Archives, New York Times - July 3 1901. Surety: 3.
19. Ancestry.co.uk, Shipping records for SS Adriatic. Surety: 3. .... The Battery Conservancy, Castlegarden (www.castlegarden.org), Search for Burslen. Surety: 4.
20. http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html), Buffalo Express, May 21 1890. Surety: 3. .... http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html), Buffalo Morning Express, May 14 1892. Surety: 3.
21. http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html), Syracuse Evening Herald, September 4 1891. Surety: 3.
22. http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html), Buffalo Express, July 4 1901, September 27? 1892, September 28, 1892, September 29, 1892. Surety: 3.
23. Historical Newspapers, Morning World Herald of Omaha - April 8 1892 - page 5. Surety: 3. .... http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html), Buffalo Express, April 27 1892. Surety: 3. .... http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html (http://www.fultonhistory.com/Fulton.html), Auburn Bulletin, April 1 1892. Surety: 3.
24. New York Times Archives, August 17 1894. Surety: 3.
25. Ancestry.co.uk, Naturalization Records. Surety: 3.
26. Godolphin F. Burslem, Crime and Criminals (NY Publication Print Company), Surety: 3.
27. Library of Congress, LC CALL NUMBER: PN4874.W694 A33 1895 ; LCCN: 82-238020. Surety: 3.
28. New York Times Archives, 1896. Surety: 3.
29. www.ellisisland.org, Search. Surety: 3.
30. (Available online at Brooklyn Public Library), May 5 1899. Surety: 3.
31. (Available online at Brooklyn Public Library), June 2, 1899 page 18. Surety: 3.
32. (Available online at Brooklyn Public Library), Sep 23 1899 page 2 and Oct 12 1889 page 13. Surety: 4.
33. Historical Newspapers, the North Adams Evening Transcript , 5 July 1901. Surety: 3.
34. (Available online at Brooklyn Public Library), October 16 1898 page 28. Surety: 3. .... New York Times Archives, June 3 1900. Surety: 3.
35. New York Times Archives, New York Times - July 3 1901 - page 14. Surety: 3.
36. Historical Newspapers, Manitoba Free Press Nov. 28, 1907. Surety: 3.
37. US Census, 1910 Census , Manhattan Borough, New York. Surety: 3.
38. (India Office - British Library.), Search for Burslem. Surety: 4.